Direktesendt kurs

Lovpålagt opplæring: Safe handling of diisocyanates - June 4th

Mandatory training in safe use of diisocyanates for leaders and employees in accordance with training level 1, 2 and 3

Did you know that around 5,000 workers in Europe fall ill every year with work-related respiratory diseases? The reason for this is exposure to chemicals or products containing diisocyanates. If you work with paint, glue, joint foam, insulation, plaster or other sealing materials and surface treatments, you may be affected by harmful exposure.


Since 24. of August 2023, everyone who handles diisocyanates at work must have completed training in safe use. The training must be repeated at least every five years. This course is held in English for employees, employers and self-employed individuals who handle diisocyanates directly, process products containing diisocyanates or supervise this type of work. The goal is to create a secure and proper working environment and reduce health risk for both you and your colleagues.

Direktesendt kurs

04.06.25 10:00 2,5 hours Ledige plasser
Gå til påmelding kr. 890,- (unntatt MVA)

Course Rating


Dette lærer du:

  • What the regulations say about diisocyanates and requirements for training
  • What diisocyanates are, what properties they have and typical areas of use
  • Why diisocyanates can be harmful to your health
  • What you need to know about exposure, including limit values
  • Safety data sheets and labelling
  • About the health hazards and examinations you should be familiar with
  • How you do mapping and risk assessment
  • What risk reducing measures you can make

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A Fully Safe Working Environment
In this course, you will learn what diisocyanates are, their properties, and how these substances are typically used. The training is an important step in ensuring a fully safe working environment and reducing health risks for both you and your colleagues. You will also learn about the risks and health hazards associated with exposure to diisocyanates.


Identifying and Assessing Risks and Health Hazards from Exposure
How can you be exposed? What symptoms should you be aware of? How do you assess the risk of exposure in your workplace? In this course, you will learn about specific measures that both employees and employers must and can take to reduce the risk of health hazards from exposure.


Who Must Complete Mandatory Training?
If you work directly with the production or processing of products containing diisocyanates, you must complete mandatory training. If you use or handle finished products that may release diisocyanates, you are also covered by the legal requirement. Additionally, the training requirement applies to anyone supervising this type of work.

The course is particularly relevant if you work in construction, painting and craftsmanship services, the furniture and textile industry, car and boat maintenance, the healthcare sector, or various industrial businesses where diisocyanates are handled.


Course Structure and Content
This course provides documented and approved training in the safe use of diisocyanates at work. The course consists of two parts, in addition to a mandatory test. Upon completing and passing the test, you can download your course certificate from Simployer’s learning portal.

Product Program

Introduction to safe use of diisocyantes - June 4th, 10:00-11:30

Pause - June 4th, 11:30 - 12:30

Questions and answers - June 4th, 12:30 - 13:30

Compulsory test

Practical information about the course

Hvem passer dette for?

Workers, employers, and self-employed individuals who are required to undergo training every five years starting from August 24. 2023


The course ensures approved training in safe use of diisocyanates at work. Training must be completed every five years.